Employment Contracts for Temporary Workers in France

The number of workers on short contracts in france is rising. They often suffer from precarious conditions and a difficult reconciliation of work and family life due to uncertain renewals, fluctuating working hours, and the lack of a permanent contract. Their chances of a secure career are significantly reduced and they are often the first to be laid off in the event of an economic negative shock. They are less likely to receive on the job training and have a lower likelihood of finding another job after 1 year and a half than those employed with a permanent contract. This link https://euworkers.fr/

The main employment contract in france is the contrat a duree indeterminee (CDI). It is offered to all jobseekers who are interviewed by private companies and must be offered unless there is a specific reason not to do so. It allows for full-time and part-time work and offers job security as dismissal can only be justified if there is serious fault or a company needs to lay off employees in order to survive.

Temporary Work Visa Requirements for Foreign Workers in France

The other main employment contract in france is the contrat de travail temporaire (CTT). It is offered by temping agencies and is a three-way agreement between employee, employer, and agency. It lasts the length of a given task and can be renewed twice. CTTs are more common in certain sectors, such as the construction and freight transport industries. The emergence of this type of work has been fuelled by a growth in the on-demand economy and digital platforms. It also reflects the decline in the number of permanent jobs in professions such as plumbing, carpentry, and electrical engineering.

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